Care, compassion
and guidance for
a healthier tomorrow

Why choose Caramenico Counseling Group, LLC

From your first contact with us, you will receive individualized attention. We make every effort to thoroughly discuss your concerns prior to setting up your first session.
Our team of licensed clinicians are thoroughly trained to provide empathetic care to individuals and families experiencing mental illness, behavior disruption, and emotional distress. Many of our clinicians have expertise in providing trauma-informed and trauma-responsive care to children, adolescents, adults, and families. Regardless of what may prompt you to pursue psychotherapy, your therapist will work collaboratively with you and your support systems to offer the most responsive and guided treatment possible. In your treatment, your therapist will meet you where you are, not where others may expect you to be. You decide the changes you will make to achieve wellness and balance; your therapist is present to help you along on this journey.
your therapist will work collaboratively with you and your support systems to offer the most responsive and guided treatment possible. In your treatment, your therapist will meet you where you are, not where others may expect you to be. You decide the changes you will make to achieve wellness and balance; your therapist is present to help you along on this journey.

We Strive to Foster Growth

We focus on maximizing an individual's strengths in order to foster a more secure sense of self. Our goal is to help the individual increase self-confidence and self-reliance, increasing one's capacity for change allowing for movement toward healthier functioning and wellness.

Our Philosophy

Quality Care Image

Quality Care

  • Licensed clinicians with many years of experience and specialized training
  • Accessible treatment with many insurance and private pay options
  • Flexible scheduling
Individualized Attention Image

Individualized Attention

  • Thorough assessment of your individual needs and treatment options
  • Treatment focused on maximizing your individual strengths
  • Collaborative and responsive treatment delivery
Accessible Treatment Image

Guiding Change

  • Improve individual resilience
  • Encourage change through support and guidance
  • Increase personal resources to maintain achieved wellness
Why the Dragonfly?

In most cultures throughout the world the dragonfly is a symbol of change. Often the dragonfly is depicted in flight across a body of water; this action represents movement of going beyond that which is on the surface and focusing on the deeper aspects of life. This symbolizes a movement toward self-realization and the personal evolution of mental and emotional maturity.

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